sábado, 15 de janeiro de 2011

CHUVA NO RIO: imagens fortes do salvamento da mulher e seus cachorros

JORNAL NACIONAL: desespero e destruição na cidade de São José do vale do Rio Preto na região serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro!

Uma mulher (Dona Elair) e seus cachorros em meio a forte enxurrada que destruia sua casa.
A mulher é salva, mas seu cachorro é levado pela correnteza.
Imagens do Jornal Hoje da Rede Globo.
rain in the river rescue woman
NOVA FRIBURGO, Brazil — Clouds hung heavy and the rain continued to fall on shuttered businesses and abandoned buildings in this mountainside town about 90 miles northeast of Rio de Janeiro on Thursday where mudslides and flash floods leveled buildings, carried away cars and left scores of residents dead.
At least 291 have died in all municipalities affected by floods and landslides, according to the Rio State Civil Defense Department, with scores still missing and thousands more left homeless. Residents of the three hardest hit mountainside towns worried over how long many other houses could cling to collapsing hillsides. News media reported nearly 400 dead.
Torrential rains that soaked the hills and mountains outside Rio for days finally pushed massive walls of sodden earth down onto the towns early on Wednesday. Television images showed devastated neighborhoods in nearby Teresopolis and Petropolis filled with rivers of mud that had ripped homes from their foundations. Cars were submerged in water while mud and chunks of concrete made roads impassible.
ft: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/14/wor...

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